Caspar Babypants
I Found You !
Simple, fun, acoustic, sing along songs for kids ages 0-6 and their parents is what the sixth album from Caspar Babypants is all about. I FOUND YOU! is a happy song collection for the whole family. Caspar Babypants is also known as Chris Ballew, the twice-Grammy nominated songwriter and lead singer for the Seattle rock and roll band The Presidents of the United States of America. Caspar Babypants makes high quality simple music with integrity that is rooted in American, European and African folk traditions mixed with classic pop and rock and roll themes and a light sense of humor and imaginative fun. Themes include muddy babies, loving a lint ball, wandering hobo babies, waking up a sleepy kid, a hotel for bugs in a rotten stump and many more. Rachel Flotard from Seattle band Visqueen sings on 3 tracks, and Steve Turner from Mudhoney co-wrote and plays one.