Burgos, Wild Bob -& His House Rockers-
Vamos Rockin'!! (wild Bob Burgos Rides Again)
'Once a Rocker - Always a Rocker'',...This is exactly what The Legendary Wild Bob Burgos is,...And always has been! His music has inspired countless Rockin' bands throughout the years, and being in the frontline of the British Rock 'n' Roll Revival back in the 1970's as a founder member of the original Matchbox and Shotgun bands, he has always stood tall and showed the world what Rock 'n' Roll was all about with his hard- hitting lyrics, his lifestyle and his belief and dedication to our music. This cult Rocker has cruised around Europe with some of the greatest names in Rock 'n' Roll music, and played kickass shows for his many Rockin' fans, and has become one of the most important Rockers since those glory times in the 1950's and 1960's. Wild Bob Burgos has never sold-out or deviated from the principles he started out with,...He performs the real thing; Straight-in-your-face, Raw Rock 'n' Roll and Wild Rockin' Blues, and he's an icon,...This is why he is both loved and admired the length and breadth of the international Rock 'n' Roll circuit. He is a star in Europe, and has achieved his legendary status from years of performing his own original self-penned high energy Rock 'n' Roll that you will hear on all his albums. His discography is as long as his arm with estimated world sales of several million, some of which turning gold. His talent and unique voice are unmistakable, and his music is part of his very existence,...Its in his blood. He was blessed with the gift of music, and he has been sharing that gift with us for decades. Wild Bob Burgos is not only a treasure of Rock n Roll, he is an institution of Rock n Roll, and the ultimate Rebel Rocker who is still Rockin today and continuing to be the true voice of what Rock n Roll is all about. Theres nothing ordinary about Wild Bob Burgos, he is an extraordinarily talented man who has lived an extraordinarily difficult life pursuing the music he loves, and its our blessing that he included us in his journey. He is, and always will be,...A Champion on the Rock n Roll scene, and as Janis Martin & Johnny Carroll once said,... Wild Bob Burgos IS Rock n Roll.