Bronson Brothers
The Melody Bronson
It's been a long way coming, the album debut from Pop-Rock outfi t THE BRONSON BROTHERS. They fi rst surfaced back in 2007 with elody Bronson EP' and single he Tide' featuring French singer SoKo, which became a radio and online hit and raised expectations to Ted and Clyde Bronson (aka Jesper Harding and Anders Ejner Petersen) and their accomplices Zeu, Malle and Mr. Toby Diamonds. Now, three years, two labels and extensive touring later, the full length album, he Melody Bronson' including aforementioned he Tide', is fi nally out and I quite like its combination of unny Afternoon' era The Kinks, AIR's ambient pop and a strong love for French pop legend Serge Gainsbourg (the album title a nod to the latter's 1971 concept album histoire de Melody Nelson' and song ballade de Melody Nelson'). Besides SoKo he Melody Bronson' is guested by Morphine saxophonist Dana Colley plus French singers Adrienne Pauly and Vanessa Contenay-Quinones (Vanessa & The O's) - and with the colors of the French fl ag embellishing the album cover, it's all a very French affair. Even so, I imagine music fans of all breeds can fi nd pleasure in The Bronson Brothers' melancholic pop.