Brief Candles
Unfinished Nature
Brief Candles - an odd name for a longstanding band. Honestly though, who would've guessed they'd actually still be playing together? Details are blurry, it started in the prehistoric, pre-internet, pre-documenting-everything era. The thin days of shoegaze. When all the titans had gone away to have kids or get their degrees or whatever one does when they've gone out of fashion. Perhaps it could even be said that Brief Candles only got labeled as shoegaze back in those emo-laden times because they were the closest thing. Maybe because they showed up with pedal boards and delay on their vocals. It's hard to say, that was many effect pedals ago, hundreds at least. One thing that can be said with certainty is that they've always sounded distinctly themselves. Yes, they love shoegaze and post punk. They would never disavow such a thing. There are though, tinges of kraut rock grooves, crunchy 90s indie rock, new wave and psych. All of those things a group of people love, crammed together in various combinations to make music that could be called original, or at least derivative in an honest way. Their new album, "Unfinished Nature", continues that fine tradition - trying to find that special place the 4 of them exist in.