Breaking The Chains
We Are Breaking The Chains
Breaking the Chains is one of the most kick ass charity rock projects ever to originate from the Netherlands. Over 40 of the best known Dutch rock & metal musicians from the 70's until now are joining forces to create a masterpiece of rock history. They do this in order to raise awareness for child abuse and the great work of Bikers Against Child Abuse. Breaking the Chains founder Kristoffer Gildenlow (Kayak, Pain of Salvation, Neal Morse) started working on the idea of this project four years ago. After the initial start more and more musicians joined in to support this noble cause, eventually ending up with more than 40 high class Dutch musicians and a complete album of original music written especially for this project. Alongside Kristoffer the following musicians are involved in the project :Bart Hennephof (Textures), Ruud Jolie (For All We Know), Robby Valentine, Mike Coolen (Within Temptation), Joe Tal (Textures), Ton Scherpenzeel (Kayak), Timo Somers (Delain), Ed Warby (VUUR), Robert Soeterboek (Wicked Sensation), Ian Parry (Consortium Project), John JayCee Cuijpers (Praying Mantis), Johan van Stratum (Stream of Passion), Wudstik (For All We Know), Frank Schiphorst (MaYaN), Marjan Welman (Vetrar Draugurinn), Margriet Mol (Asrai), Jan Willem Ketelaers (Ayreon), Eric Hazebroek (Vetrar Draugurinn), Rick Bouwman (Martyr), Martin van der Meyde (4Eigner), Jan Bechtum (Picture), Karin Mol (Asrai), Arno te Loo (4Eigner), Sebas & Petra Honing (Equisa), Dirk Bruinenberg (Elegy), Ivar de Graaf (Kingfisher Sky), Jan Bijlsma (Vengeance), Peter Vink (Knight Area), Manon van der Hidde (Asrai), Ben Mathot (Ayreon), Anne Bakker (Blaze Bayley), Maaike Peterse (Kingfisher Sky), Jeroen Goossens (Ayreon), Marieke Bresseleers (Circle Unbroken), Harry den Hartog (Alanis) & Collin Leijenaar (Kayak)