Brad Pot
Brad Pot
Aussie bands have been destroying speakers and eardrums since before Birdmen flew, and it aint no different now. Just ask Ausmuteants, Cuntz, Pronto, Bits of Shit. Enter Melbournes BRAD POT who, like most of historys best rockin outfits, dont rely on politics to rip, but get straight to the fucking POINT of radical rocknroll: Horned up aggression gone cannibalistic abounds on "Dipped In Batter," (Ask Hasil if thats rocknroll) and they got the pissed off woe-you-know about dickhead jocks on "Black Eye." Well admit Brad Pot is waiting for the war on album opener "Air Strike," but when havent you been worried that the worlds gonna get set on fire? So dismiss at your own peril, just dont say stupid shit "on the record."