Boling, C Daniel Feat. Tom Paxton
New Old Friends
"In the 1960s, as a little kid singing folksongs with my mother and sisters and learning Tom Paxton songs, I sure didnt imagine all these years later Tom and I would be friends writing songs together! Thank you, Tom, for all your wisdom, generous spirit, sense of humor, and kindness. Wouldnt my Mama be tickled by this? Yes indeed. - C. Daniel Boling A casual acquaintance ripened to be a friendship during a songwriters retreat in Colorado in 2022. Relying completely on Zoom for our writing sessions, we created these songs through the end of the year and into the early Spring of 2023. I loved the experience of writing with Dan and I hope the results are a pleasure for you as well! -Tom Paxton New Old Friends is a fifteen-track album with each song co-written by C. Daniel Boling and Tom Paxton (who also sings on five of them). "