Leendet Fran Helvetet
Edition of 500. Includes insert. It's been a true pleasure but also a rather chaotic experience to follow the progress of Blod from a close distance since the beginning. I have fond memores of recieving the odd cassettes from the early days, like the severely fucked up Unga Roster (later issued as an LP on Forlag For Fri Musik) and the awfully mesmerizing Prat Om Depression recording. Returning to Leendet Fran Helvetet for the first time for long a while, it's quite evident that the album marked a new phase in the troubled Blod universe. There's few traces left of the found tapes/audial voyeurism and brutish stop/rec editing that made up the first few releases, insted we are served with what is pretty much a proper album in a, sort of, traditional sense.