Snake Nation Cropduster
Re-issue! Make way for the crop duster of Snake Nation! In his three-engined flying machine he blesses the country with his pesticide. Music as an insecticide for the venom that feeds on these particular nasty times. The three-engined flying machine has a name: Betonfraktion. Frank Crijns (guitar), Marzj (drums) and StSwarth (voice n noise) proudly present ten tracks that are firmly against the grain. They have been called The Unholy Trinity. What binds them is what they hold dear: artistic spunk, boldness, energy and an anarchistic approach towards music. Someone called it 'guerilla rock'. Also 'progpunk' could be a good description. Betonfraktion's debut album is called Snake Nation Cropduster and it's on 140 grs black vinyl! The tracks were recorded, mixed and mastered by Mr. Danny Wieggers (DSP Studios, Tilburg, Netherlands).