Ars Veneficium
Usurpation Of...(black)
Full coloured cover with white inner jacket & A2 Poster. Limited to 150 copies on 12" Vinyl. Ars Veneficium, the Belgian black metal horde, returns with its second full length album Usurpation Of The Seven after their 7" split record "In Deaths Cold Embrace" which got released in June 2019. Their second album is the successor to their 2016 debut full length album "The Reign Of The Infernal King" which was praised worldwide as one of the best albums of that year. Now with "The Usurpation Of The Seven" the band has reached deep into the depths of hell and brought up the most evil sounds they could find, bringing more fury, melodies, aggression combined with pure hellish atmosphere and fast pumping blast beats to the table. An album that will surpass all their previous work by far.