Alkerdeel are back for their first full length since 2012s Morinde! It might seem a long time, but the band has been working very hard. This resulted in a couple of split albums that hinted at the direction they were headed, but mostly they used the time to piece together the brand new album Lede. The album is undeniably Alkerdeel: the muddy but yet surprisingly well defined sound is ever present. The direction in which the music evolves did change over time. The doomy sludge drone monster of before made way for a more direct and head-on approach. These Belgians are not beating around the bush this time: they will grab you, and drag you along for a relentless journey through their murky uncompromising black metal wasteland. On the artwork of Jeroen Pede: Immediately recognizable among all other releases on Consouling Sounds, are those designed by Jeroen Pede for the band Alkerdeel. Jeroen (Gent, Belgium), himself a band member of Alkerdeel, has held on to a consistent imagery to develop the look of the band. Inspiration comes from graphic imagery, both in a literal and figurative sense, as very linear work of Beardsley, Bosch, and other scatological pictures are used as an inspiration. As such, Jeroen Pede has built up a world of dark yet cheeky imagery engulfing Alkerdeel and adding strength to their message.