Africando's sixth studio album, continues the group's unique take on African and classic Cuban styles. The album is a tribute to the eternal African woman and it's a potent hommage that churns up the African-Latin musical waters quite a bit. Ismael Lo's " Lote Lo" is a finaly crafted ballad to a recently deceased friend. His voice brings anootehr dimesion to this already talent-packed supergroup. Congolose lengends, Nyboma and Emeneya stir it up on Papa Wemba's Reference, The inimitable Gnonnas Pedro of Benin recreates his Azo Pkplon from the 70's with gusto to spare. Tabou Combo's Shoubou turns in mid-tempo exhortation to all the youth of the world. Africando does it with an enormously gifted cast of musicians. At one time or another, there are over 45 musicians on Martina and there's no stopping them. Highly Recommended!