Toutes Les Fenetres Et Les Ruisseaux
Adlys is "the girl in yellow", who on her first album strives to make a female voice heard in an energetic or more intimate song-electro format, to build bridges between the city and nature, between her Native Normandy and Brussels or Montreal that she loves. It is also in Quebec that she met the French Mell who co-produced this disc, trying to convey the freedom of movement that the artist gives himself on stage, space which she holds with conviction. A feminine voice (Your body, The spider, Ottawa Room 703, The rise of the waters.), wide open spaces (Tornetrask) even in the heart of the city (Bruxelles les voiles, Like a tree.), ideas full of drawers , a consciousness in tune with the times (Listen to the North): Adlys will embark more than one with her communicative energy.