A Silent Express
Get This Right
A Silent Express is a young, driven and very energetic rockband from the North of Holland. The sound of the group is mix between catchy rock and more melancholic guitarpop, often compared to old Foo Fighters, Queens Of The Stone Age and Nada Surf. A Silent Express started out in 2004. In April 2005 their first self-titled EP was released on Hectic Records. It gained alot of good press in the bigger magazines like Oor, Fret, LiveXS and KindaMuzik. A Few tracks of this EP got regular spins on national radiostations like 3FM and KinkFM. To promote the EP A Silent Express toured all over Europe. They went to France, Germany, Tsjech, Slowaky, Poland and Switserland and also played countless shows in The Netherlands already. New touringplans are already in the making.